Brand Guidelines


To help developers share their love for coding.

Brand Identity



#bf80ff / rgb(191, 128, 255) / hsl(270, 100%, 75%)

Alternate (for use on a non-neutral background, aside from apparel)

#000 / rgb(0, 0, 0) / hsl(0, 0%, 0%)

#fff / rgb(255, 255, 255) / hsl(0, 0%, 100%)


Fira Mono - DEV.FIT Name

The DEV.FIT brand name, macro pad logo, and brand mark were designed using the Fira Mono font.

Fira Sans - DEV.FIT Website

The DEV.FIT website uses the Fira Sans font for headings and body content. 


Primary Logo - Macro Pad with the DEV.FIT Name

DEV.FIT Macro Pad Logo

Secondary Logo - DEV.FIT Name

DEV.FIT Name Logo

Brand Mark - Macro Key Icon

DEV.FIT Brand Mark

Do not reuse our logos without written permission. To ask for permission please send a message to